107UNSCR 1718 Guidance – Procedures for DelistingUNSCR 1718 Sanctions List Procedures for Delisting108UNSCR 1718 Guidance – Procedures for ListingUNSCR 1718 Sanctions List Procedures for Listing

Issue no. Date Topic
1 October 2012 Client Acceptance Procedures
2 November 2012 Guidelines for Appointment of Auditors
3 January 2013 Identification Procedures in Relation to Introduced Persons
4 February 2013 Procedures for Change of Registered Agent & Restoration of Entities
5 March 2013 Becoming a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
6 April 2013 Developing a Risk Based Compliance Program
7 May 2013 Detecting and Reporting Suspicious Activities
8 June 2013 Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) Risk
9 July 2013 Governance, Risk, Management & Compliance (GRC)
10 August 2013 How to Achieve Better Corporate Governance Vol.1
11 September 2013 Mutual Exchange of Information on Taxation Matters
12 October 2013 Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
13 November 2013 Customer Due Diligence (CDD) cont’d
14 December 2013 The Year 2013 in Review
15 January 2014 Transparency & Beneficial Ownership of Legal Persons
16 February 2014 Training
17 March 2014 Recap of 2014 Seminar / Plans for 30th Anniversary Celebrations / FATCA
18 April 2014 Plans for 30th Anniversary Celebrations/Policy & Procedures Tips/ 1st Quarter Statistics
19 May 2014 Developing an AML/CFT Compliance Programme
20 June 2014 How to Become a Licensed Registered Agent for International Insurance
21 July 2014 Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs)
22 August 2014 Confidentiality
23 September 2014 High Risks Factors in AML/CFT / Reporting Requirements / Fees
24 October 2014 Good Auditing Principles  & Characteristics
25 November 2014 Assessing Risks in Business Relationships
26 December 2014 2014 Year in Review
27 January 2015 Reporting Requirements for Regulated Entities
28 February 2015 2015 AML/CFT Seminar &Training Workshop
29 March 2015 Recap of 2015 Seminar & Minimum Guidelines for the Role & Appointment of Compliance/ Reporting Officers
30 April 2015 Minimum Guidelines for the Role & Appointment of Compliance & Reporting Officers
31 May 2015 Customer Identification Program
32 June 2015 Verification Methods
32A July 2015 The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
33 August 2015 AML/CFT Onsite Inspection Programme
34 September 2015 AML/ CFT Onsite Inspection Programme – Part II
35 October 2015 Preparing for the 4th Round of the CFATF Mutual Evaluation Process
36 November 2015 Politically Exposed Persons & Enhanced Due Diligence
37 December 2015 2015 Year in Review
38 January 2016 Automatic Exchange of Information
39 February 2016 New Standard for Supervision of Trust and Corporate Service Providers
40 March 2016 Recap of 2016 AML/CFT Workshop & RISK Based Supervisory Framework
41 April 2016 AML/CFT Guidelines for Banks
42 May 2016 Licensing & Ongoing Supervisory Framework for Insurance Companies
43 June 2016 Licensing & Ongoing Supervisory Compliance Framework for Insurance Companies Part II – Compliance with FATF Recommendations
44 July 2016 AML/CFT Guidelines for Money Services Businesses
45 August 2016 AML/CFT Guidelines for Money Services Businesses
46 September 2016 Financial Information Month 2016
47 October 2016 Effective AML/CFT Controls
48 November 2016 How to undertake a Risk Assessment
49 December 2016 2016 Year In Review
50 January 2017 Global Forum and CFATF Update (Part 1)
51 February 2017 Global Forum and CFATF Update (Part 2)
52 March 2017 Recap of 2017 AML/ CFT Awareness Seminar and Training Workshop
53 April 2017 Beneficial Ownership
54 May 2017 Fitness & Propriety
55 June 2017 Guidelines for Independent Internal AML/CFT Audit
56 July 2017 The Revised Ordinances: NBCO 2017 and NLLCO 2017
57 August 2017 Other Notable Changes (Part 1) – NBCO 2017 and NLLCO 2017
58 September 2017 Other Notable Changes (Part 2) – NBCO 2017 and NLLCO 2017
59 October 2017 Record-Keeping Procedures
60 November 2017 Global Forum & CFATF Update
61 December 2017 2017 Year In Review
62 January 2018 Legalisation by Apostille
63 February 2018 Know Your Employees
64 March 2018 2018 AML/CFT Awareness Seminar & Training Workshop
65 April 2018 Ongoing Monitoring
66 May 2018 Virtual Currencies
67 June 2018 Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
68 July 2018 National Risk Assessment (NRA
69 August 2018 Correspondent Banking
70 September 2018 Anti-Corruption and Bribery
71 October 2018 Financial Information Month
72 November 2018 Trade based money laundering
73 December 2018 2018 Year In Review
74 January 2019 Regulation of Virtual Assets
75 February 2019 2019 AML/CFT Conference
76 March 2019 Recap of 2019 AML/CFT Conference
77 April 2019 BEPS and its impact on the Financial Services Industry
78 May 2019 Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)
79 June 2019 Keys in Preparing an Effective Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)
80 July 2019 Identifying Suspicious Transactions/Activities
81 August 2019 The Mutual Evaluation
82 September 2019 Financial Information Month (FIM) 2019
83 October 2019 Targeted Financial Sanctions – Terrorism and Terrorist Financing
84 November 2019 Targeted Financial Sanctions – Terrorism and Terrorist Financing (Cont’d)
85 December 2019 2019 Year in Review
86 January 2020 Legislative Updates
87 February 2020 Information on the CFATF Mutual Evaluation & The National Risk Assessment
88 March 2020 Coronavirus(Covid-19) and its Impact on AML/CFT Programmes
89 Second Quarter 2020 AML/CFT On-Site Examinations (Areas of Improvement)
90 Third Quarter 2020 Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud – Red Flags
91 Fourth Quarter 2020 An Introduction to the Corporate Registry Integrated Search System (CRISS)
92 December 2020 The Year In Review
93 First Quarter 2021 Legislative Updates (Part II)
94 Second Quarter 2021 AML/CFT Onsite Examinations (Areas of Improvement) Part II
95 Third Quarter 2021 The Advantages of conducting an Enterprise-wide Risk Assessment
96 Fourth Quarter 2021 2021 Year In Review
97 First Quarter 2022 The Nevis Trust and Corporate Service Providers (TCSPs) Updated Sectoral Risk Summary (Parts 1 and 2)
98 Second Quarter 2022 AML/CFT/CPF Challenges, Trends & Threats
99 Third Quarter 2022 Sectoral Risk Assessment on Legal Persons & Arrangements
100 Fourth Quarter 2022 Year in Review
101 First Quarter 2023 Sectoral Risk Assessment on The International Banking Sector
102 Second Quarter 2023 Human Trafficking and Smuggling (Part 1)
103 Third Quarter 2023 Human Trafficking and Smuggling (Part 2)
104 Fourth Quarter 2023 Year in Review 2023.
105 First Quarter 2024 Recent and Significant Changes Pertaining to Bearer Shares in Nevis
106 Second Quarter 2024 Recent and Significant Changes Pertaining to Bearer Shares in Nevis
107 UNSCR 1718 Guidance  (Delisting) UNSCR 1718 Sanctions List Procedures for Delisting
108 UNSCR 1718 Guidance (Listing) UNSCR 1718 Sanctions List Procedures for Listing